Q&A – Tony Riff
If you ever found yourself in a situation where you were about to head down to the ring and engage in combat, what song do you think you would use as you entrance theme? "Simon Says" by Pharoahe Monch, that's one song that gets me hyped up no matter how many times I hear it, [...] Continue Reading -
Q&A – Brian Butler
Were you a fan of professional wrestling as a child? If so, what are your fondest memories? Heck Yes! I was born a Hulk-a-maniac and entered my teens during the WWF ATTITUDE era which led me to love chopping my crotch and yelling "S*ck It!" while wearing Insane Clown Posse 3:16 shirts and oversized JNCOs. [...] Continue Reading -
Q&A – Rob Flowers
Were you a fan of professional wrestling as a child? If so, what are your fondest memories? A massive fan! I’m a big toy collector too so a lot of my fondest memories revolve around playing with my Hasbro toys. That and sitting through months of watching the big stars like Hulk Hogan beating up jobbers until you finally [...] Continue Reading